Why is this database not working off-campus?


When attempting to use a licensed library database off-campus, you must use the links available on the library website on the Database A-Z List. Using these links will prompt you to enter your network login to access library-licensed content. Your network login is your Western username and your password (the same password you use for other WCU services such as Outlook and Canvas).

Generally, bookmarked links and links from Google searches for databases do not work.

If access problems persist…

Clear cookies/caches on the computer.

Try a different browser (and possibly update your browser).

Check firewall or virus scanner settings.

You may not be using your correct Western Login. You can contact Western IT Services if you do not know your Western Login.

If all actions above fail, contact Electronic Resources Coordinator, Tristan Buss, for more assistance.

  • Last Updated Aug 19, 2024
  • Views 69
  • Answered By Emma Schmidtke

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